Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Potato Tacos with Roasted Jalapeno Crema

Cube some red potatoes and sauté them. When they are soft, add some chopped onion and some soy sausage which has been cut in small pieces. Season to taste with garlic, cumin, salt and pepper.

If you want to add some other veggies, roast or grill them. Roasted tomatoes and/or peppers are great on these tacos.

Serve the veggies on toasted corn tortillas (I toast mine over the flame on my gas stove or on the gas grill outside). Serve with roasted jalapeno crema and clianto.

For the Jalapeno Crema:
Roast one jalapeno pepper, place under plastic wrap to sweat off the charred skin. Scrape off the skin, remove the seeds and veins. Chop and add to desired amount of Vegenaise. Also add in some of your favorite hot sauce to taste.

Tracy's Living Cookbook